Extra Credit Reading Notes: Cupid and Psyche, Part B

    OKAY, once again, I have a LOT of feelings!!! FIRST OF ALL, I want to know where Venus gets off blaming Cupid for the fact that Mars is an adulterer?? Beyond her own philandering with mortals, what's she even doing with Mars when she's married to Vulcan? By her own standards, that's not okay. I also have a lot of thoughts and feelings about Juno and Ceres. Like okay, I guess it's a good thing that they tell Venus she's overreacting, but also... they then are totally fine with abandoning Psyche? They're all-aboard the train of, "The way she's treating you is totally unfair, but also she's a goddess and she's family so sucks to be you, get out of my temple and be glad I didn't kill you." It's just so cold and cruel and. heartless. I definitely think that this is a good point to include in my story with Eros/Cupid for my storybook. I guess I can understand the way Ceres responded, a little bit. At least she's not the goddess of family unlike a certain Juno. How can Juno claim to be the goddess of family and then betray a pregnant girl that way? I just don't get it. I don't like it.
    I also had some thoughts about Cupid that I really want to get off my chest. Where does he get off abandoning his pregnant wife?????? Over some oil???? Like he HAD to know that the temptation to look at him would be too strong for mortal Psyche. And the hot oil? Cupid is a GOD, how hurt was he really? I feel like he was really overreacting to that. Which I guess is fitting with the little impish, arcane-trickster vibes that he's got, but still. No maturity? No growth? I don't know. I know that these reading notes are super chaotic, but this has basically been my internal monologue from reading the story.
    Final note: I'm glad the girl got away. I'm now torn as to whether I want to finish the story, or do I want to imagine my own ending? I'll probably finish the story and then decide how I feel about it.

Bibliography: The Golden Ass by Apuleius and translated by Tony Klein, 2013.


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