Week 8 Progress
Wicker Paradise, "Inspirational Quote." Web Source: Flickr
In terms of what I've enjoyed the most about this class, I definitely think it's the story book. I'm absolutely having to push some of my creativity to do it, but I really like seeing an original idea that I had come to life right in front of me. There's difficulties (I wrote about them in one of my earlier blog posts), but that's okay. It's still really exciting to work on!
I would say that I'm pretty happy with how well I'm doing in this course, but not necessarily with how I'm doing it. I have a tendency to push the assignments until the absolute last minute, because I know that I can get them done in a shorter period of time. I really want to get better at not doing that and at sticking to the schedule I gave myself. I think that would take a lot of the stress off of myself. I do plan to use the Week 13 finish, and I think that I'm in a good spot to do that with the points that I've earned so far. I want to start taking advantage of the EC options to possibly finish even earlier. Obviously, I want to keep working on my Story Book and I don't want to finish this class before I've got that done, but if I could get to the point where I'm just working on that (I suppose working ahead is also an option to consider!) that would be really nice.
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